Butt Invasion (with Bonus Song)

It all started on a sunny, warm day.  I went to the doc for tummy troubles.  I left with a long list of instructions, 2 bottles of poison, a restricted diet, and an appointment for an upper GI and butt invasion, AKA colonoscopy.

Anyone who has had a butt invasion will tell you that the worst part is the prep.  I can’t say they are wrong.  If you are under 50 and having a butt invasion, it is probably safe to assume that the test is scheduled because you are having digestive issues.  So why do they give you poison to drink that causes more “issues”?  I know, it has a specific purpose, but it just seems a bit silly to me.

That wasn’t the worst part for me.  The worst part was the waiting.  About 10 years ago I had an upper GI and I woke up during the procedure.  Waking up with a tube down your esophagus is not pleasant.  It was quite scary.  So I was a bit nervous today.  I was sure to tell each and every person that I came in contact with today that I was nervous and each person assured me that I would not wake up because they now use a different drug to prevent that from happening.  But, I was still nervous.  And when I’m nervous, I sing.  So I sang this song:

Run when you can…

“Run when you can,

Walk if you have to,

Crawl if you must,

Just never give up.”

Dean Karnazes

It was just a few days ago that I was at my breaking point because I was so tired of being tired.  I’m not saying I’m soaring with energy, but I did have enough energy to go for a walk.  While we were walking my sweet pup started frolicking so I started a slow jog with her.  She pooped out pretty fast, but I didn’t!  I handed the leash off and continued to run.  You may be thinking, wow, she’s a runner.  Nope.  But, I do miss frolicking in the yard with my dog.  I also miss having the option of running on a trail.  It was such an amazing feeling to be able to run without pain.  It was nice to have enough energy to run.  I believe I ran a total of 1/8 of a mile, but hey, its a start.  I’ve been glowing ever since.

Liebster Award

Thank you to http://inflamedinthememranes.wordpress.com for nominating me for the Liebster award.  I began my adventure in blogging recently as a way to vent, connect, share, and learn.  I have especially enjoyed reading posts from Inflamed in the Membranes, You, Me, and Lupus Make Three, A Day in the Life of a Lazy Mutt, Cooking CeliacYarn, Books, & Roses, and Living Incurably, so I am nominating them for the Liebster award.
 Here are the questions Inflamed in the Membranes asked me:
  1. Do you have any hobbies outside of blogging?  I enjoy hiking, crocheting, and reading.
  2. Do you watch television?  Yes, lately more than I should.  Netflix is my friend.
  3. Do you follow a special diet?  I am gluten free due to Celiac. 
  4. What is your favorite dish to eat?  That’s tough.  I just love to eat.  Sweet potatoes are always around.
  5. Is there something you would like to do more of?  Living life to the fullest.
  6. Are you a morning person or night owl?  Morning person.  I wake up with the sun regardless of what time I go to sleep.
  7. Bright lights or dimly lit rooms?  That would depend on the activity.  I like bright lights when cooking or working on a project.  Dimly lit rooms are nice when meditating, reading, relaxing.
  8. What is your least favorite household chore?  Making the bed!
  9. What inspires you?  Positive people.
  10. If you had one wish to be granted, what would it be?  To be pain free.
  11. What is it you hope people get out of reading your blog?  A laugh, comfort in knowing they are not alone, inspiration.
11 Random Facts about Me:
 1.  I have a super cute dog.
 2.  I love Ellen.
 3.  I also love Jimmy Fallon.
 4.  I want to swim with whale sharks.
 5.  I am a scaredy cat.
 6.  I like to conquer my fears.
 7.  I miss eating bread.
 8.  I’m considering a new career.
 9.  I don’t know what that new career will be.
10.  I love learning.
11.  My first concert was New Kids on the Block.
My questions for the nominees:
1. Why did you start blogging?
2.  What have you learned from blogging?
3.  What inspires you?
4.  What do you do when faced with hard times?
5.  Who is your favorite comedian?
6.  Who is your favorite musician?
7.  What is your favorite book?
8.  What are your hobbies?
9.  What is your favorite TV show?
10.  How do you start your day?
11.  How do you end your day?

Official Rules
If you have been nominated for The Liebster Award AND YOU CHOOSE TO ACCEPT IT, write a blog post about the Liebster award in which you:
1. Thank the person that nominated you, and post a link to their blog on your blog.
2. Display the award on your blog.
3. Answer the eleven questions about yourself  provided to you by the person who nominated you.
4. Provide eleven random facts about yourself.
5. Nominate five to eleven blogs that you feel deserve the award, who have a less than 200 followers.
6. Create a new list of questions for the bloggers to answer.
7. List these rules in your post.
8. Inform the bloggers that you nominated that they have been nominated for the Liebster award and provide a link for them to your post.